IPBES: actie voor biodiversiteit is nu nodig – en mogelijk


Verandering om verder biodiversiteitsverlies tegen te gaan is urgenter dan ooit én haalbaar, stelt het IPBES, het biodiversiteitspanel van de Verenigde Naties. In twee rapporten die deze week verschenen, roept het panel overheden wereldwijd op om een samenhangend beleid te maken dat biodiversiteit, klimaatverandering, water, voedsel en gezondheid aanpakt. Voor Nederland, waar uitdagingen zoals de stikstofcrisis en overstromingsrisico’s druk uitoefenen op mens en natuur, bieden de IPBES-rapporten een routekaart naar een duurzame toekomst. Het gaat niet goed met de biodiversiteit. Ook Nederland ligt niet op koers om de biodiversiteitsdoelen voor 2030 te halen, laat het Nationaal Dashboard Biodiversiteit zien. Toch is [...]

IPBES: actie voor biodiversiteit is nu nodig – en mogelijk2024-12-19T15:32:42+01:00

IPBES and IPCC Chosen to Share 2022 Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity


Lisbon, Portugal – It was announced today that IPBES and IPCC have been jointly awarded the 2022 Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity. The news was shared by Dr. Angela Merkel, the former Chancellor of Germany, in her capacity as President of the Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity jury. Selected from a field of 116 nominations, from more than 40 countries, the Jury highlighted how the selection recognizes “the role of science on the front line of tackling climate change and the loss of biodiversity.” “Evidence based science”, the Jury considered, “has been fundamental not only to advancing many of the political and public actions but also the need to [...]

IPBES and IPCC Chosen to Share 2022 Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity2024-12-19T15:30:23+01:00

IPBES Announces Co-Chairs for 2-Year Business & Biodiversity Assessment & Host Institutions for new Technical Support Unit


Three leading global experts have been announced as co-chairs of the new IPBES business and biodiversity assessment, a methodological assessment of the impact and dependence of business on biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people. IPBES also announced the two institutions that will jointly host the technical support unit (TSU) for the assessment.Professor Ximena Rueda Fajardo (Colombia), Matt Jones (UK) and Professor Stephen Polasky (USA) will lead a highly interdisciplinary team of expert authors, including practitioners, currently being selected by the IPBES Multidisciplinary Expert Panel – a process expected to be completed by the end of April 2023, when the selected experts [...]

IPBES Announces Co-Chairs for 2-Year Business & Biodiversity Assessment & Host Institutions for new Technical Support Unit2024-12-19T15:30:28+01:00
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