What is PBES NL?
Welcome to PBES NL, the Dutch platform for biodiversity. We support the transfer of scientific knowledge to policy and practice, and vice versa.
The Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Netherlands (PBES NL) is your portal to biodiversity, serving scientists, policymakers, professionals and other stakeholders. We bridge the gap between science, policy and practice and support cooperation, knowledge sharing on topical issues and open access to information on biodiversity.
PBES NL, supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality (LNV), assists the IPBES National Focal Point. Naturalis Biodiversity Center manages the platform in collaboration with the IUCN National Committee of the Netherlands Foundation.

Key Information

Info for scientists
Discover a wealth of topics, articles, reports and videos on biodiversity and ecosystem services to stay up-to-date.

Info for policy makers
Access summaries of IPBES reports to make informed decisions that address critical biodiversity challenges.

Info for public/media
Explore various infographics and simplified summaries of IPBES reports, making biodiversity information accessible to all.

Are you driven by a passion for biodiversity & ecosystem services, and making a positive impact on the world? Then we’re looking for you!
Associated with the PBES NL platform is an extensive network of Dutch (based) scientists and experts active in the field of biodiversity. Together, let’s bridge science, policy, and practice for a sustainable future.
Dutch biodiversity
Discover Dutch biodiversity through PBES NL.
We unite stakeholders, from government and scientists to citizens and professionals, to bridge policy, science, and practice.
Discover more about Dutch biodiversity with a growing number of interesting (Dutch-oriented) references to biodiversity-related platforms, websites and organisations.