Info for Scientists
Unlocking biodiversity knowledge
Resources for Scientists
At PBES NL, we provide a hub for scientists to access the resources they need to advance our understanding of (Dutch) nature. Discover a wealth of topics, articles, reports and videos on biodiversity and ecosystem services to stay up-to-date.

Scientific Articles
Find all your biodiversity resources.
At PBES NL, we offer scientists access to the resources they need to enhance our understanding of (Dutch) nature. We invite scientists to visit the following pages:
- The IPBES website offers a wealth of information, including several Journal Articles.
- IPBES also has a Documents Library available, a search page for various resources (meeting documents, decisions, resolutions, publications, agreements, and IPBES outputs). Here you will discover more about biodiversity and ecosystem services to stay up-to-date.
Associated with the PBES NL platform is an extensive network of experts and scientists based in the Netherlands working in the field of biodiversity. Do you also want to take part in IPBES assessments? Good news! IPBES regularly issues calls for nominations of experts to participate in their assessments.
Join our network to take on one of the following roles:
- Assessment Co-chair: Overseeing the preparation of an assessment report, as well as its SPM, and ensuring that the report is completed to a high standard and addresses the key scoping questions.
- Coordinating Lead Author: Coordinating a chapter of the assessment report and to coordinate the work of the lead authors, fellows and contributing authors involved in their chapter.
- Lead Author: Producing designated sections or parts of chapters that respond to the work programme of the Platform, on the basis of the best scientific, technical and socio-economic information available.
- Expert reviewer: Self-selected and register through the IPBES website following a call for expert reviewers by the secretariat.
- Fellow: The IPBES fellowship programme allows early career researchers and other professionals to engage with the Platform’s activities and work alongside more experienced colleagues.

Dive into a world of knowledge and discovery with our comprehensive video library. Explore a wide range of topics, from the workings of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) to in-depth discussions on various subjects related to biodiversity.